Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Little Drastic?

Perhaps. This will be a short post. (Umm just kidding. I just finished it, and I totally lied. It's not short. Medium to long. Depending on how fast you read.) It's about my relationship with my hair. 74 percent of the people I know will not even care what I have to say here. Feel free to skip to the bottom and just look at the pictures. I will not be offended and/or even know about it. For the rest of my guilt-ridden friends who feel because I've written something, it surely must be worth reading, read on. Too long of an introduction, I know.

So my view on hair is it's just that.. hair. Can be used as a fun accessory I suppose, but why anyone would pay lots of tens of dollars or hundreds of dollars for a haircut is beyond me. Here's the thing: I find that I tend to get bored with my hair about every three months or so and like to change it up a bit. It's usually a spur of the moment thing. Fine and dandy, unless a bit of crazy hits (like it does every once in a while) and I do something drastic.

Scenario: I had been growing my hair out for two years. TWO YEARS, people. That is a l-o-n-g time. My hair was super long, and I was rockin' it. If by rockin' it you mean throwing it back into a ponytail or a braid six days a week, then, yes, I was rockin' it. Don't be jealous.

Typical day.

I was running into a dilemma. Problemo 1. I was (and am) a busy working mom of two kiddos. Oftentimes I find myself doing the single mom thing with a hubby working a lot out of town. That does not leave me oodles and oodles of time for doing my hair. Well, except for Sunday, because I don't have church until 1:00, but, well, I'd rather eat waffles and gear up on energy due to the fact that church is not until 1:00 and I end up outnumbered with super duper cranky kids and trying to wrastle them into staying reverent. (You know how some people pronounce words differently? It's really hard to convey that typing a blog post, so instead I've decided I will intentionally misspell words on occasion in an attempt to have stories read in a more exciting manner.)

Anywho... Problemo 2. I am currently training for a triathlon and have been trying for weeks to figure out what I'm supposed to do with my hair during said event. Here's the thing. I swim, take my cap off and then my hair looks incredibly awesome all tangled up and matted and I really should do something so it stays off my face for the biking and running portion but do I pack a brush, stop and redo my hair? Not likely. Or do I just leave it all matted and half falling out and just hope I'm speedy enough to outlast the falling all over the place slash in my face situation? Another unlikely scenario. I'm not too speedy.

The solution: Chop it all off. Thought about it for about a whole 12 hours or so. Then I just did it. Walked into the salon and said chop all my hair off. And she did. Oh, and I colored it too since the chlorine or sun or something was bleaching my hair all weird and looking like I gave my four-year-old the bleach and said, here, just take my hair and do whatever YOU think will look great! Fun huh?

Before and after. Fine. Warning to all my picture-y friends who love photography and have nice cameras and Photoshop programs and your pictures look all professional and like they're out of a magazine. This is not that kind of blog. I took my point-and-shoot camera and I pointed and shooted (shot, I know, I know). They are not great photos but, hey, at least you get a photo. I could just describe in nauseatingly vivid detail the before and after, but this will probably be more enjoyable. (For you, not me.)

Without further ado:

Don't laugh. It's awkward taking photos of yourself. Seriously. Fine, laugh if you want.

And this is what I look like now. Or what I looked like ten minutes ago, maybe 15.

Wait for it...........

Wait for it.......................

Wait for it......................... (and I surely hope you're saying this in the voice of Shawn Spencer from Psych, although I'm sure none of you are since I think only 2.4 percent of my friends love that show like me. But go back and read it in his voice. You'll thank me later.)..............

"How to I look?"
"Slightly stunned."
(name that movie)

So too drastic? Perhaps. Lame to have a post all about me and my hair? Definitely. Thanks for reading.


  1. It looks great! Definitely not lame to have a post all about you and your hair. :) Wish we could have talked more at the reunion. Well, until next time good luck with your triathlon.

  2. Its cute! I like the color! I couldn't read the whole post on my phone. The green color is way too light. I'll read it today. :)

  3. oh my heck I love it! So cute! I have always had longer hair because Joel likes it, but secretly I want a short cut like yours, but i'm too much of a wimp to do it haha I guess ill live vicariously through you for now :)

  4. I love it! You are always so cute though! I am with you though on the emotional hair cutting. I need a change in life and my hair is the easiest thing to change.

  5. AHH!!! CUTE!!! I love it! I can't wait to see it. I'm home, by the way, so we need to play! Oh, and P.S. I love your blog. P.P.S. I love that you can't stand to have improper grammar so you explain your mistakes every time. You rock!

  6. Thanks, guys! Oh, and Dani I just can't help it. It's the court reporter in me I think. But since I only have about a month left doing that, maybe things will ease up as far as grammar? Soon I'll probably be saying things like, hey, can I ax you a question on the Pacific way you go get water out of you're crick? Brother. Drives me nuts just writing it :)

  7. sheila, i love your blog. and i love your hair. and i love you because, well just because i always have. I hope you are doing well :) -Lacey (petersoN)

  8. I love your hair either way. It looks good now and will be so helpful in your training and during the BIG event. (Remember I am just cheering you on, not participating). Anyway, love the blog and am glad I have found a lover of Psych. I just started watching it and enjoy it immensely, especially watching for the pineapple reference in each episode. You are awesome, keep being that way!
